This website is owned by Green Olive Films.
Please read the terms carefully before using the Site.
The use of this site assumes full acceptance by you of the terms below. Green Olive Films reserves the right to revise these terms by informing users of this website. Therefore, users should periodically check the content of the terms of use. Users of this site must comply with particular rules and regulations of the European and international law relating to telecommunications. In this context, any damage caused to this site or generally any transactions resulting from poor and/or improper use of this site and/or services by users are solely their responsibility. Any inaccuracy, error, omission, incorrect information or advice displayed in the content of the website, which the user has or will have future access through this site, does not establish the responsibility of Green Olive Films. Therefore, Green Olive Films disclaims responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental or special damages arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of our website.
Green Olive Films Logo and Trademark are property of the Green Olive Films. The use of any of the distinctive features of the site is prohibited, without prior approval of Green Olive Films. Any such act or preparatory action entitles Green Olive Films to take all the appropriate and legal action, including the - temporary or definitive - exclusion of access of any user associated with these actions, and seek recovery of any damage suffered by all legal means.
The entire contents of the Site, including information, texts, photographs, videos, graphics, as well as other proprietary rights, belong to Green Olive Films and is also subject to copyright and protected by Greek and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property. Therefore, is strictly prohibited any use, exploitation, reproduction, retransmission, reproduction or copying, partially or totally, or paraphrase or adaptation, or the sale or resale of the Site Content in any manner, for public or commercial purposes or for use on another site, without the prior written permission of Green Olive Films. The information provided is for your use only. You can download or print material found on this website solely for non-commercial purposes if you do not change any copyright, trademarks or other property details.
This website may contain links to other websites. Green Olive Films does not maintain and does not control and can not provide any guarantee for the use of links on the website and the content of external internet sites. Therefore, Green Olive Films is not responsible for the content or accuracy of other web sites that may be connected or advertised on this site. The availability of users’ personal data to the linked sites has been provided on their own responsibility, after their review, their decision and their discretion.
As part of the newsletter registration process you are obliged:
(A) to provide accurate, true, updated and complete information about yourself as prompted by the application. and
(B) to promptly update your registration data in case of any change.
The personal information requested during the registration process is used to identify the site user as a natural or legal person. For this reason, providing the above information is mandatory. Also, disclosure of the requested personal data, means that you are accepting the terms of use of this website
Green Olive Films reserves the right to accept or decline your account creation, based on the ability to verify or not the authenticity of your registration data and therefore reserves the right to deny, in its sole discretion, access, with no accountability to anyone.
Similarly, Green Olive Films reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to delete the member account and prohibit future use of parts of the site, if:
a. false, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete information provided by the user,
b. Green Olive Films judges that unreliable information is provided
c. actions or attempts to damage the website or any interests of Green Olive Films are identified (Particularly reputation, market position, reliability, trademarks),
d. in case that Green Olive Films considers that you have violated or acted inconsistently with these terms.
The registration data and information are treated as confidential by Green Olive Films and used only to serve its members. Green Olive Films ensure the safety and protection of personal data supplied by the users on it. The company may disclose data regarding your account, according to standard operating procedures as well as if required to do so by law or in the belief that the preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with the law.
Non-exercising the power or right to compensation from Green Olive Films as determined by Law is not equivalent in any way with waiving that right.